Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Another newcomer

It's been more than a year since Shrek was released back to nature, hope he's doing ok.

I've been wondering for a while why there isn't any leopard frog setting up summer camp in my pond this year. But guess what? There is...

I was sipping my coffee in the breezeway, enjoying the cool breeze and the soft morning sun, but something caught my attention... something was moving along the bottom of the backyard door. Oh my, it's a tiny frog, about one and a half inch long. It was quite clumsy while jumping. Thanks for the dusty and dirty carpet, that hasn't been cleaned since, oh well, a month ago... that got stuck on its limps.

Don't ask me why I'm attracted to frogs... actually not just frogs, but all kinds of little critters. It's something that I grew up with, I guess. And I'm still wondering why I didn't become an entomologist if I like it so much...

Anyway, going back to the frog. It's not a leopard frog, nor a toad. It's a tree frog with tremendous jumping capability. It's even better than the leopard frog. Why? His padded hands have suctions to stick on walls and glass. Cool huh!

More later... meanwhile check out his look.

Oh his name? I'll tell you next time.

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