Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Super Size Me"

My confession... I feel a little guilty feeding LBJ with a cricket 1/5 the size of itself. But watching it chowing down the prey and getting high from this delicious meal, I have that instinct of caveman being fulfilled, how strange!

At the same time, I began to relate LBJ's feast to Americans diet – high sugar, high protein, high fat, high calories. Excuse me, the way they eat is not indulgence, it is negligence for the lack of a better word.

I didn't have to see the movie "Super Size Me," a 2004 comedic documentary on the influence of fast food industry on Americans diet, and I already know the consequence of the guy who fed himself with McDonald everyday for a month. A land of free has also become a land of excess and then turned into a land of abuse, in food sense. No matter what health care system we have and how good they are, it's doomed to fail.

Now going back to LBJ. Can I feed it with grass or vegetables? Not likely. He'll be dead like a dead branch. But what can I do to keep it healthy? I can only try balance of diet, which means feeding crickets with veggies and fruits, hopefully, it will do the trick. But for Americans, what options do they have? Many. Are they willing to change? Good question. I think I'm too cynical and skeptical on that.