Saturday, March 28, 2009

Is Shrek the Shrek in "Shrek"

The answer is I still don't know.

It's already Spring. I have been wondering if Shrek actually feels the urge to... ahem, mate. However, the tricky thing is Shrek has been living comfortably indoor through the winter, does it even know it is Spring now?

Without going through the hibernation process to trigger its biological clock, does Shrek, still has the instincts to call for its princess if it is a male leopard frog, or to look for the frog prince if it is a female.

Maybe I can steal an idea from Dee, a co-worker of mine who is a frog lover. Her cubicle is filled with pictures of frogs. Some are on the wall, some are hanging from the ceiling. I should call her "frog lady" from now on, nah!

Anyway, my idea is to tape a whole bunch of frog pictures around my aquarium as "stimulants" and see if Shrek will react to its fantasies, I mean its instincts, to make calls 24/7. If it does, Shrek is definitely the Shrek in "Shrek." If it doesn't, it might be a Fiona, and I should go to a nearby pond to round up a male for her.

Spring is a good time for happy ending... I know, I know, I'm just over my head.

1 comment:

  1. How about if you play some frog calling sound and see if Shrek responds to it? If so, you know he is actually a "she".

    You may need to turn your frog pictures once in a while to imitate movement of real frogs. Or else it's hard to stimulate his instincts to call!!!
