Shrek: Am I fat?
Lewis: You want an honest answer?
Shrek: Yes.... wait, no.... arrrrrgh! O... K...
Lewis: Your weight is equivalent to the top 50 percentile of the obese population in the U.S., how about that?
Shrek: That's it? Whew! I feel better!
Having this frog is accidental. So I decided to write about how I, being just interested in wildlife in general, adpoted a frog from my backyard into a pet. It's fascinating to observe this frog's behaviors. I hope that writing this blog will not only capture interesting things about this little critter, but also reflect some of my thoughts on things happening in our society and the world. Feel free to write a comment. Or sign up as a follower below.
Lewis, are you trying to send Shrek to compete for the largest frog in Minnesota? You can get Shrek to exercise a bit inside the aquarium.... Reel a cricket up and down, so Shrek will display his jumping-jack ability!