You'll be the judge after watching Shrek's videos.
Not only is he opening his mouth wide, he's also rubbing his eyes, stretching his legs, not to mention he looks REALLY bored. If it's you and me showing these signs, it's time to hit the sack, isn't it?
And it turns out when a frog looks like it's yawning, it's actually shedding its skin, and they do it quite often when they are in juvenile stage, according to experts. And strangely enough, they would eat their own shed skin to get the nutrients back into their bodies. Nothing get wasted!
Contrarily to frogs, we waste food, we create tons of garbage, we pollute our own planet, and we don't save for the rainy days... the list goes on and on and on...
No, I don't mean to trash homo sapiens, or to suggest that we should live like a saint, I only think we should live responsibly under all circumstances.
Tomorrow, we'll have Obama-elect as our new president, he's going to govern our country with respects and dignity, way way better than Bush. "Anything goes"should be a thing in the past, "We the People" are better than that. Make a pledge to do something good to your neighbor, to your community. Make the country a better place for everybody, as Obama has always embraced in his speeches.
You're yawning now, I know. I'm yawning too, but not shedding my skin, don't worry. Just a sign that I want to go home after work, that's all.
• These are the answers for the post "Let's play a game" above.

Funny! May be Shrek was out hunting for food all night long and didn't get much sleep :)