I told a couple of co-workers about my adoption of a northern leopard frog and one of them came to this conclusion, "... take it while you can, it may extinct soon." I was a little puzzled by his comment. "Because I took it out from its natural habitat?" I asked. "No! It's mostly because a lot of fishermen round up these leopard frogs as baits for fishing. They hook it on their backs," he said. Ouch!
Then he pointed me to a full page infographics we ran on how creatures survive the harsh winter in Minnesota. The bottom segment of it was about this native frog's adaptation to frigid temperature, which I found it quite incredible, and very amusing at the same time. Take a look at the graphics yourself.
However, I'm still convinced that my action was legitimate. We are talking about a frog that will be frozen in an ice-cube... after all, I enjoy its company in my aquarium. At least through this winter if you will.
Graphics: Ray Grumney / Star Tribune
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