Thursday, May 28, 2009


What would you do if your kids decided to run away because your house is too small? Not once, not twice, but three times. Three times! Would you buy a bigger house, or you simply let them go.

In my case, I think of the latter. Of course I'm not talking about my kids. I'm talking about Shrek, my froggie. He escaped from the aquarium three times in the last four days, hiding in the toilet corner, under the entertainment center, and on top of the aquarium. You may wonder how he pulled it off. Simple. First, he is no longer a small froggie. Second, as the previous video shows, he jumps up like a launching rocket. Third, I keep the filtration and heater's openings open and I didn't know he is so determined to go. Sounds like the movie "Finding Nemo," isn't it?

In fact, his escape coincides with my recent thinking if it's time to let him go back to where he was. After all, my duty to keep him alive has already achieved, so keep him captivated in an aquarium seems to serve more of my own interest than his purpose of existence. Not to mention he has outgrown my aquarium. If that is the case, how can I justify to keep fishy friends in my aquarium then.

So what would you do if you were me?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Shrek, a launching rocket!

My body got so excited when Spring comes, that's why my blog is like missing in action. Hey, don't blame me, I have a life to live other than taking video of Shrek! After all, who can resist the warmth of the sun, the smell of the greens and the touch of the light breeze of Spring after three months of hibernation? Anyway, it's been quite some time since the last post, but you know, a good video takes time to make. Shrek is in action of course, but this time I see him like a rocket launching.
